Meet the HEAL MAMAS tool

The HEAL MAMAS educational tool came from several conversations with clients in which they stated they didn't know how to ask for help, or what words to use with their OB or doctor. I wanted to bridge the gap between a parent struggling on their couch and getting the help they need. I also harnessed my own struggles in the postpartum period not getting the help I needed.

This tool is designed to be used by parents themselves and also by any support person who may see signs of issues in a new parent. The tool is evidenced based featuring warning signs and risk factors for perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs), though it uses simple language that is accessible to folks not in the mental health world.

My goal is for this tool to be spread far and wide, stuck to refrigerators and made into poster-size visuals in OB offices to spark conversation. It's time for improved outcomes for birthing people!

Thank you to Chamber of Mothers for believing in this tool and sharing it with your community!